
Creating the soundtrack for humanity with Wiredrive

Egg Music, a musician-staffed creative house, uses Wiredrive to manage tight review and approval deadlines, pitch new business, and make their mark in a rapidly evolving industry. They specialize in composing original scores and songs for films, television shows, commercials and web videos, and their music has appeared in some of the best-known campaigns of recent years for brands such as Nike, Target, Microsoft and Chevrolet.

Nailing every deadline

Egg Music works with clients who are constantly on the go and expect to view media on their mobile devices without having to download files. The team relies on Wiredrive to deliver multiple audio tracks that are often attached to large video files. These deliverables must undergo several rounds of revision within a very short timeframe. “Since we started using Wiredrive we’ve never experienced an issue that prevented us from making a delivery on time,” explains Eric Fawcett, founder and executive producer. “There have been many times where a client told us they appreciated our well-organized deliveries. How we deliver our media is as important as what we deliver, and Wiredrive helps us to do that consistently.”

“We win and retain business not just by doing great work, but by maintaining seamless workflow habits that our clients never question. Wiredrive plays a central role in that.”

Winning new business

Wiredrive also plays a critical role in pitching business for Egg Music. Since competition in the music industry is fierce, Egg Music relies on Wiredrive Library to build custom branded reels tailored to decision makers at the target company. They can present work through an Egg Music branded system, and know that the interaction is going to be seamless and easy to use.

Interface design for business success

Egg Music has been using Wiredrive since 2008. They were previously using file share tools to manage their workflow and media. Since making the switch, Egg Music has experienced improved functionality and aesthetics. “Wiredrive is elegant, flexible, and works consistently—that means everything in the industries we play in,” says Eric.

To learn more about Egg Music, visit their site: