Log, Search and Organize

Find Footage in a Flash

Tag and organize video content to improve search and retrieval processes. By adding rich metadata to your footage, users can quickly locate specific clips or moments of interest based on keywords.

Log files quickly and easily to accelerate collaboration with team members

Organize footage from anywhere so that everyone can find what they need

Leverage multi-site media management allowing globally distributed teams to work on the same media

Browse, search and organize content in media spaces, projects, folders and sequences

Search and find assets faster through AI-enhanced metadata and tagging

Fully customizable metadata templates based on individual projects


It’s All About the Metadata

Metadata is the secret weapon that can transform your media production workflow by logging detailed metadata, you can easily find those crucial clips, minimizing the time creatives spend searching for the perfect footage. Metadata turns every piece of media into a treasure waiting to be discovered, making your production process not just efficient but also making your archive fully discoverable.

Logging Content

EditShare’s customised logging module is designed for quick and easy, single click logging. Designed for sports events or reality shows – or even logging documentary footage – Logger lets you create templates with standardized categories, keywords, names and pictures of key characters or players. As the action unfolds, you simply click on the words and pictures that describe the action to produce a detailed log.

  • Create logs or mark specific timecodes entries
  • Build detailed logging with range markers
  • Quickly generate log marks with a single tap
  • Customize predefined text fields for markers
  • Create and store custom metadata and images for stress-free logging
  • Deploy multiple templates for different events


Groups and Categories

The flexibility of logger allows administrators to create groups that form predefined lists of players, actors, objects or categories. This allows users to log actions involving more than one player and more than one action at any time. e.g. both players involved in a foul during a soccer game.


Not all logging activities fit the same pattern,  the same user or workstation may be used to log different events throughout the day. FLOW Logger allows administrators to build predefined templates for specific events.

Predefined Metadata

For certain events, adding metadata to the FLOW database can simplify cataloging and locating content. This makes it easier to filter clips, such as crashes in a motorsport event.

Live Feeds or Proxy Files

FLOW Logger is perfect for recording live event details, but you can also load and log against pre-recorded clips, simplifying all your logging needs. Since FLOW tools share the same database, metadata created in one app is visible in others. Users can switch between logging live feeds and existing files with a single click, without any configuration changes. This allows simultaneous logging of real-time and recorded events.

Gang Multi-camera Metadata

Gang multi-camera live feeds across multiple timelines. For reality shows and sports events where the action is more dynamic, users need the ability to selectively link and unlink which feed(s) they are logging. In ganged mode, FLOW Logger allows this simply by clicking the appropriate source in the preview window.