
Master Your Assets with the Power of Administration

Controlling access to content within FLOW is crucial for ensuring success. Fine-grain control over access rights is essential because it allows organizations to:

In depth security to  protect valuable and sensitive content

Maintain compliance with regulations

Prevent unauthorized modifications or distribution 

MFA with SSO

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

FLOW’S Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enhances facility security by requiring multiple forms of verification, making it significantly harder for unauthorized users to gain access to sensitive information. This added layer of protection helps prevent media breaches and ensures that only authenticated users can perform critical actions within the EditShare ecosystem. Using Microsoft Azure for Single sign-on further enhances your security and simplifies the login process.


By defining who can access, modify, or delete assets, the system ensures that sensitive or critical information is protected from unauthorized access. This minimizes the risk of data breaches and ensures compliance with security policies.

Users and Groups 

Assigning users permissions to projects is straightforward, allowing facilities to add remote freelancers to projects quickly. Removing permissions to users is fast too. Permissions are perfect for facilities who are working on multiple projects concurrently. Assign users to groups to speed up access to the right content based on roles and responsibilities. 


By carefully managing access permissions, businesses can safeguard their intellectual property, preserve data integrity, and promote efficient project collaboration among creative teams while minimizing security risks.


When permissions are properly managed its easier to track user activities and identify who performs specific actions.