Subscribe to the EditShare SaaS
- On the next page, click on “Continue to Subscribe” and follow the instructions provided by AWS
- Signup through and when complete, return to the next step.
Launching the Instance
- Go to EC2 panel, select Launch Instances
- Select the AWS Marketplace tab in the left-hand panel
- Enter “Editshare” in the search criteria, press Return
- Press “Select” button to launch the “EditShare FLEX Collaborative Video Production” instance
- Choose the instance type (r5n.2xlarge is recommended)
- Under “Configure Instance”, choose your VPC
- On the Storage screen add 5 volumes each sized 1000 GB (931 GiB) of type st1, for a total of 10TB.
- On the Security Group screen, choose “create a new security group” and add the following rules to your instance to allow or block traffic to the instance.
- In SSH type rule, replace the default source to the IP address from which you would like to allow to SSH into the instance
- Select Add Rule, and then select “All TCP” and add the IP address from which you would like to access the instance
- Select Review and Launch.
- Select Previous to make changes, or Launch.
- Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair, select the acknowledge agreement box, and then choose Launch Instances.
- Choose View Instances to confirm the status. Note the IP address assigned to the instance.
Configuring the Instance
- Once the instance is operating. SSH as the ubuntu user and using the keypair used to launch the instance. The command pattern is:
ssh -i <path_to_keypair>/<keypair_file_name>
- Then reboot the instance using the command:
sudo shutdown -r now
- After the instance has booted, ssh back into it using the command above.
- From the terminal window, run the following command to set passwords for ‘root’ and ‘editshare’ users and configure the instance
sudo ./
- After the instance is running, go to http://<ip-address> in a web browser to login to FLOW Control. The username is editshare and the password is what you set when running the script.
- On the FLOW Control UI page, activate your license with the credentials used on the product registration page when subscribing to the EditShare FLEX offering.
After these steps, you will have a fully functional EditShare FLEX platform.