Simplify your post production workflow

Do you have thousands of assets scattered across multiple servers and USB devices? Are you sick of wondering “where’s that clip” or losing time because you grabbed the wrong hard drive? This means you’re doing lot of manual file management, which can be time intensive.

FLOW Media Management software keeps all your media in one central place, so editors, producers, sound technicians and colourists can work on projects collaboratively.

Our easy to use software allows you to create a streamlined post-production workflow so that you can save time and work smarter, not harder, as you assemble your final project.

No more digging through folders or searching for lost files – EditShare FLOW puts your media assets at your fingertips, empowering you to focus on what you do best – creating amazing content.

EditShare FLOW seamlessly integrates with popular non-linear editing (NLE) software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, and Apple Final Cut Pro, making it easy to access and edit your media files directly from your preferred editing software. No more switching between platforms or dealing with complicated workflows – EditShare FLOW keeps your creative flow going, without missing a beat.

For many teams, getting your proxies ready to work on can be a time-consuming hassle.

With EditShare FLOW, all this prep work is completely automated. Proxies are created automatically as videos are ingested into the system. This allows editors to quickly dive into their projects and remotely organize their content, transferring only the necessary proxies they need.

Many teams out there are forced to pick a single editing tool for their projects, limiting their teams’ ability to work the way they want and making their people feel “boxed in” and creatively-constrained. With EditShare’s Universal Projects approach, we don’t box you into one creative toolset. We enable you to work via web browser, rapidly assembling your project structures, knowing that whichever editing tool you use

The best creative teams are a little paranoid. They’re always thinking about version control and “who’s doing what with my content.”

This is why we built EditShare Guardian. Guardian makes it easy and intuitive to monitor the health of your system, quickly figure out “who touched that file last”, and set up automatic alerts when your disk space runs low.

Chello agency chooses EditShare

Put simply, the EditShare solution easily met all of our requirements and we are yet to even maximise how we use EditShare FLOW.

Working with EditShare, we were able to demonstrate that not only was the new in-house system superior in functionality, it was so reliable and easy to use that the video staff at De Telegraaf would not need continuing support.

We looked at all the likely players, but EditShare gave us more than simple storage, it allowed us to make the business more unified.