With nearly 200 worldwide events and tournaments every year, each demanding massive amounts of data, our client in global action sports has no time for spotty platform performance or delays. Filming extreme sporting events results in dozens of terabytes of video content. These assets include once-in-a-lifetime record-breaking moments used in live streams, social and web content, and highlight packages on both owned channels and with media partners. This content keeps their 7.3 million social media fans up-to-date on the athletes they love and, in turn, increases engagement, brand loyalty and profits. When you’re distributing footage of a world-class athlete making history with a flawlessly performed stunt, a gap in content is not an option. They needed a reliable, secure solution that fit into their existing pipeline, integrated with their production applications and kept track of multiple revisions.

Frustrated over the lack of a standard content management system and platform, the Head of Post Production for the property contacted Shift Media for a solution. They had hundreds of users needing a standardized workflow. Confusion and lack of consistency between key video production stakeholders caused by disparate file management systems were tremendous problems. The fact that they held events worldwide only added a layer of difficulty to their existing workflow, with unreliable internet connections and services making the distribution of assets back and forth to the United States incredibly challenging and time-consuming.

They required performance at the highest level, and Wiredrive delivered. The solution allowed for the management of all work-in-progress and finished assets from one common collaboration hub. Handling file transfers globally with consistent coverage at all live events accelerated delivery timelines, making assets available to the entire global-wide team, who could download them instantly for upload to their website or social media channels. With a single platform, our customer replaced several solutions in asset management and content presentation while increasing their digital presence and driving the sport forward.
Wiredrive enabled them to simplify their media delivery workflow and eliminate the threat of missing deadlines, giving them peace of mind to focus on growing their global community and creating best-in-class stories for their audience.
Learn how Wiredrive can enable your creative process with a free 7-day trial.